martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

The oddest book I have read "the running omelette".

Fourteen years ago when I was in school I discovery a little library in the schoolyard. I dicided to enter and look for a book, that was when I found a book with an omelette in the cover "the running omelette", by an anonymous author. I thought it was going to be a funny book but it turned to be disturbed. The book start with a family: with a mother, a father and seven children looking an omelette in the furnace. The omelette saw those hungry people waiting to eat him and became scared, so he opened the furnace and started to run. "Stop omelette, we will eat just a bit of you" shouted the hungry family. The omelette ran around the city and everyone shouted at him "Stop omelette, I will eat just a bit of you" until he clashed with a pig. The pig asked him why he was so tired "because everyone want to eat me". He conviced him to rest and walk by his side, the omelette was too tired so he accepted. They walked until they found a river, "I cant continue, if I get wet I will go to the bottom". The pig proposed to carry him in his back to cross, but at the moment he jumped he turned his head back and ate him. I did not liked it nor I would recommend it, It was very uncomfortable to watch (it has pictures) a character running for his life just to be betrayed and killed in the end. That was the last time i went to that library.