miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

My favorite music group

Queen is a Britain band that was formed in 1970 in the city of London. People would want to classify their music between rock and pop, but they are more than that, they make art in form of music, they tell tales, they make you travel to the space to never go back. They are actors of this theater called Queen.
In the guitar (Drums sounds) is Brian May, carrying his Red Special made by himself and his father. Some people said that he is like Samson and his talent reside in his hair.
I In the bass (Explosions) is John Deacon, a very sensible man with big wings and a Chicago Typewriter.
I In the drums (Drums sounds...made by himself!) is Roger Taylor, he is one of the best drummers in the world but his passion is with his car (literally).
I And finally the star of the place, the man that everyone love and want to see... Freddy Mercury!. He is the voice that made you laugh and cry, to fly and fall. He make you believe that the world is magic. He will live forever in our hearts.

And as the following song said: the show must go on.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015


To me the library of the future should be a place with an old but solid look, with rooms bigger than a basketball court and with four floors so it will never lack of space. It would be located in the center of Santiago so everyone could access. It would open from Monday to Sunday at the 8:00 a.m. and close its doors at the 21:00 p.m. It should have a room for people to talk and share their love for reading, with a table full of food and comfortable armchairs for everyone, with a turntable with a lot of disks and beautiful wood shelves with all the narrative of the world. Also it would need a room for work, with computers, big tables, a lot of prints, tools of all kind, with various shelves full of self-learning books and business magazines, with infinite coffee and free cupcakes (sweetened with stevia), it would be a place where everyone can share their ideas and work together. And the most important place, the place for those who want to read in silence, it would be located in the courtyard decorated with a carpet grass, with big trees sprouting from the ground, covering the sky with its branches and with a little door in their bark leading to a warehouse full of books of every kind and for every person. In this library all the librarians will share their experience and will always find a good book for you.

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

The oddest book I have read "the running omelette".

Fourteen years ago when I was in school I discovery a little library in the schoolyard. I dicided to enter and look for a book, that was when I found a book with an omelette in the cover "the running omelette", by an anonymous author. I thought it was going to be a funny book but it turned to be disturbed. The book start with a family: with a mother, a father and seven children looking an omelette in the furnace. The omelette saw those hungry people waiting to eat him and became scared, so he opened the furnace and started to run. "Stop omelette, we will eat just a bit of you" shouted the hungry family. The omelette ran around the city and everyone shouted at him "Stop omelette, I will eat just a bit of you" until he clashed with a pig. The pig asked him why he was so tired "because everyone want to eat me". He conviced him to rest and walk by his side, the omelette was too tired so he accepted. They walked until they found a river, "I cant continue, if I get wet I will go to the bottom". The pig proposed to carry him in his back to cross, but at the moment he jumped he turned his head back and ate him. I did not liked it nor I would recommend it, It was very uncomfortable to watch (it has pictures) a character running for his life just to be betrayed and killed in the end. That was the last time i went to that library.

martes, 25 de agosto de 2015

My name is Bastian I was born in the city of Santiago in the year 1994. I grew up with my mother and my three brothers in the commune of Pudahuel. When i was a child I liked to explore a park that was close to my house with my litle brother Felipe, we got into a lot of trouble but have precious memories of that time. When i was twelve i entered to study in Liceo de Aplicación. It was a new experience and very demanding but i learned a lot and made a lot of friends. I also have a job in a supermarket the Sundays and holidays, its a little boring but at least i have money to spend.In my free time I like to listen Queen and upgrade my computer. Also i have a girlfriend wich I love and i like to spend time togheter with her watching a movie or travel around the city.